All Users of the IMSE must have completed the University’s Environmental Health & Safety - Annual Regulatory Compliance and Safety Training. The University’s Environmental Health & Safety web site is  email is; phone number is (314) 362-6816.

Complete the lab specific safety training form online

The user is required to understand IMSE lab policies and follow the protocols.

  1. Dress code
    1. Shorts, skirts and open toed shoes are prohibited.
  2.  Individuals in laboratories
    1. Eating, drinking, gum chewing, or other such activities are not allowed in the lab rooms.
    2. No food or drink is allowed in lab rooms, even while in sealed containers.
    3. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the lab room.
  3. Materials
    1. Biologically active (BSL-2 or greater), radioactive (>40 urem/hr)and hazardous materials are prohibited in the IMSE lab rooms
    2. It is required to follow EHS procedure for waste and unwanted material disposal.
    3. Immediately notify IMSE staff if waste stream containers are nearly full.  Never try to overfill waste stream containers.
    4. If the user is in doubt if a material is prohibited, they are required to consult with IMSE staff before bringing that material into the lab.
    5. Storage of material in the IMSE labs must be approved by the IMSE staff. Unattended material is subject to be discarded as unwanted material.
  4. Use of IMSE Central Facility Instruments
    1. Only IMSE users that have an IMSE License to operate a specific instrument can operate that instrument.
    2. IMSE users with a license to operate a specific instrument shall not allow any non-licensed person to operate an instrument. 
    3. Always follow the operation and safety instructions detailed in the user manual for the instrument.
    4. Do not repair or modify equipment, including defeat of safety interlocks.
    5. Do not remove any protective lead-shielding panels from electron beam instruments.
    6. Do not install software on the instrument computers
  5. Use of Chemicals and Cryogenic Liquids
    1.  Always wear appropriate personal protection equipment.  
  6. Use of a Chemical Fume Hood
    1. The fume hood should not be used as a storage area for chemicals or equipment.
    2. All containers must be capped when not in use. Evaporation of chemicals is prohibited.
    3. Work at least 6" inside the hood. For vertical hood, with a hood sash opening less than 14”.
    4. Never allow your head to enter the plane of the hood opening. For example, for vertical rising sashes, keep the sash below your face; for horizontal sliding sashes, keep the sash positioned in front of you and work around the side of the sash.
  7. Fire Evacuation and Emergency Meeting Point
    1. Upon emergency evacuation, leave the building through the nearest external exit (do not use the elevator) and assemble to the south of Rudolph Hall between Cupples and Schnucks Pavilion. 
  8. Emergency Contacts:
    1. Dr. Huafang Li - 935-8701
    2. Dr. Tyrone Daulton - 935-4537